Central Arizona Butterfly Association

Phoenix Chapter of the North American Butterfly Association.

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Central Arizona Butterfly Association has several new events that will be announced later in the year- watch the “Events” and “News” pages for these announcements, and check the calendar pages for dates.

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Fiedl trip Pivot Rock Canyon with Ron Rutowski


Saturday, August 23, 2025
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

On Saturday August 23rd starting at 9AM, Ron Rutowski will lead a walk down Pivot Rock Canyon which is on the Mogollon Rim near the junction of Highways 260 and 87. This will be our second time visiting this location and so will be interesting to see what species are flying there. The canyon bottom is at about 6800 ft, lush, and hosts a perennial stream that, along with the vegetation it supports, attracts butterflies. We can expect the usual Rim summer butterflies, such as Silver-spotted Skipper, Atlantis Fritillary, and Queen Alexandra’s Sulphur, but there is sure to be an interesting variety of other species flying. (Silver-spotted Skipper pictured) . To get to the start point: • Drive north on 87 from the junction in Payson of 87 and 260. • After 25 miles you will come to another 87/260 junction. • Continue north on 87 another 1.7 miles and turn left onto a forest road (FR 149/616). There is a very large and fenced-in pile of gravel/cinders on the right side of this road. • Continue on Forest Road 149/616 for 0.4 miles. • Take FR 616 as it veers off to the right. A sign points the way to Pivot Rock Canyon. Forest Road 616 is dirt but well graded and easily drivable in a passenger car. • Drive 2.2 miles to a camping area in the bottom of Pivot Rock Canyon where we will park and start our walk. If you prefer not to drive dirt roads meet the group no later than 8:45AM by the large gravel pile described in (3) above. Wear sturdy footwear and dress in layers. We will not be hiking long distances, but the footing can be poor and we will be at high elevations. As always, bring a wide-brimmed hat, water, and lunch. We are into the monsoon season, so be prepared for this. If the clouds and rain come early, we may have to eat lunch in the car. A $5 donation per person to benefit CAZBA will be appreciated. If you are planning to attend this trip or have any questions about the trip, please contact Ron at 'rrutowski at cox dot net'. Thanks!

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