Field trip Aspen Corner with Gail Morris and Marianne Jensen.
Saturday, July 26, 2025
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
On Saturday July 26th starting at 9AM, Gail Morris and Marianne Jensen will lead a walk at Aspen Corner off Snowbowl Road in Flagstaff. This is always a rewarding place to look for butterflies as you have a few environments including, Aspen stands, meadows and a tank. If you like to photograph other arthropods, there are always lots of interesting species.
*Butterflies: we will look for higher elevation species like Northwestern (Atlantis) Fritillary, Western Tiger Swallowtail, Pine White (pictured), Boisduval's Blue, Melissa Blue, Arachne Checkerspot, Weidemeyer's Admiral, Hoary Comma, Garita Skipperling, Taxiles Skipper, Snow's Skipper...
*Beautiful Day flying Moths: Police Car Moth (Gnophaela vermiculata), Ctenucha Moth (Ctenucha virginica), and Red Lichen Moth (Lycomorpha fulgens)
*Interesting Flies: Robber Fly, Orange Tachinid Fly and Yellow-belted Tachinid Fly.
To get to Aspen Corner, take Highway 180 northwest from Flagstaff (toward the Grand Canyon) about 6-7 miles to the Snowbowl Road. The Aspen Corner trailhead and parking area is just a little over 5 miles up the Snowbowl Road. That is where we will gather at 9AM.
Wear sturdy footwear and dress in layers. We will not be hiking long distances, but the footing can be poor and we will be at high elevations. As always, bring a wide-brimmed hat, water, and lunch. We are into the start of the monsoon season, so be prepared for this. If the clouds and rain come early, we may have to eat lunch in the car. A $5 donation per person to benefit CAzBA will be appreciated.